OK, so we're slowing down. It feels like I've hit the entree of the meal and it looks really good, but I shouldn't have eaten so much of the bread and I drank too much wine, but I couldn't help it.
On Weds I processed a lot of the perishables but didn't really cook much until last night. The beet greens were cleaned and wilted and the kale washed and stored in paper towels.
The Kale went into a mis-translated Tuscan Kale Soup. The recipe called for white beans, but for some reason I read chick peas. And so, we have Ceci Toscano with Kale (adapted/bastardized from Gourmet cookbook).
- Sautee one onion in olive oil
- Add 1/2 lb chick peas and 2 quarts water
- Add a parmesan rind (I had one parmesan and one romano), rosemary stem and bay leaf
- Bring to a boil and then simmer till the chick peas are tender (1 hour)
- Remove the cheese rind, rosemary and bay leaf and add the kale. Simmer till tender (10 minutes)
Last night/this morning, two weeks of beet greens went into a quiche along with some feta and pine nuts.
In advance of tomorrow's pick-up, I'm going to try to use the spring onions and zucchini in a ratatouille. I'll make it tonight and serve it at room temperature tomorrow.
This still leaves the beets, carrots and kohlrabi. I saw a recipe for ginger, beet and carrot soup which looked good. The problem is that I'm in training most of this week and next and so I have one fewer occasion to eat our produce. We'll see.
As for the Kohlrabi. I thought I might try a hasty pickled Kohlrabi and see if that does anything for it.