Monday, July 7, 2008

I'll do Anything for the CSA...

The Gurgling Cod recently asked the question what's worth making yourself. Shelling and skinning fava beans ain't among them. An hour and a half later I have a half cup of beans that look like Lima beans but taste like peas, except they're all bruised from me peeling them. I welcome Fava fans to chime on, but otherwise, I'm going to canvas the line to see if anyone wants to swap beans for greens.

Otherwise it wasn't a very inspiring week CSA-wise. Collards were wilted and braised with garlic and served on the side of some home-made sausage. Beet greens are wilted and awaiting a quiche. Beets, roasted and waiting a salad.

I kept the kids away from the strawberries for the first 24 hours, but then we didn't find the occasion to eat them the next 24 and then they started getting mushy, so those got thrown in the freezer for Popsicles and smoothies. Lesson learned.

The most interesting thing we did was turn the parsley into tabouli salad which came out well, but how much tabouli are you going to eat, really.

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